Monday, August 26, 2013

Not Much Time

    I don't have much to say today and thats mostly because I'm more worried about the homework I received on THE FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Seriously teachers, I still need time to adjust to just going back to school, no need to throw homework into the mix. So even though I am running out of time here are a few of my strategies for time management and keeping up with your homework.

1. Write it Out
-write what you have to do, when it needs to be done by and how you plan on doing it.
A calendar or agenda are always helpful and keep deadlines in sight.

2. What is Really Important
- Get the stuff due tomorrow and before lunch done. If you are really running out of time lunch time is a great time to finish up those worksheets due in 8th period.  I don't suggest always doing your homework that day but for the days that seem a little short this can help you get that assignment done.

3.  Do it ALL at Once
- i have a bad habit of finishing an assignment and thinking " oh I'll just reward myself with one little episode of Criminal Minds" and then I watch 4 more episodes and don't get to my other assignments. If possible sit down in a quiet area and get all your work done, if you need to reward yourself avoid the TV and try a snack or even walking around the room.

Sorry for such a rushed post. Please excuse grammatical and spelling errors that i don't have time to go back and look for.  So get of the internet and go do your homework:)

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