Dear Readers,
I've always been a little envious of the girls that parade down the hall with perfect hair everyday. You know which ones I'm talking about, the ones that have perfect ringlets or shiny straight hair. I could never get my hair to look so perfect when I used curlers, a bun, or one of the other 4 billion no heat- over-night-miracle-hair-curling techniques. I just assumed that those perfect girls woke up at ungodly hours in the morning to curl their hair to perfection. I was wrong........The other day I learned how to properly use a curling iron and in 15 minutes flat I looked like an ANGEL!!!!!(not really but i felt like it:)
It is relatively simple to use a curling iron(or flat iron) to curl your hair. I am sixteen and just learned how to curl my hair so I know some other teen out there is in need of a beauty lesson.
1. Dry your hair completely. If you don't you can create steam that will do all sorts of voodoo to your hair. Just kidding but it can damage your hair pretty badly.
2.Use a heat protectant. If you regularly use heat to style your hair, it's really important that you use a heat protection spray. If not your hair will look dry and frizzy.
3. Divide your hair into sections( top layer, bottom layer, left, and right) then clip or tie up any hair that you won't be working with.
4. Chose a small chunk of hair(the actual size depends upon your curler) and clamp the curler around the very end of your hair.
5. Roll the curler toward your head. The hair shouldn't pile up in one spot but it doesn't have to cover the entire curling iron either.
6. Hold the curler close to your head( please DO NOT burn yourself) for about 5-8 seconds.
7. Release your hair from the curler, repeat and do the other sections( you know, the ones you tied out of the way earlier). If you want you can get hair pins and rap each curl up and pin it to your head until they cool. It makes them stay longer and makes them fuller( but, alas it is time consuming)
This may require a little practice but once you have it down you will be able to flaunt your lush, angelic hair. Good luck and no matter what, your beautiful.
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