Sunday, September 29, 2013

My Weekend

      Today I had a boat load of homework to do and my bed wasn't made. That probably doesn't make sense but my desk is in my room and I hate spending any amount of time in my room when my bed isn't made. (which is why it usually stays unmade) So instead of making my bed I got out this really old blue jean quilt that we have and laid it out in my backyard. I took a bunch of pillows, and snacks, and all of my homework out side and lounged in my backyard while I did homework. The weather was perfect and Cody was able to "help" me with my work. It was great! And I couldn't have asked for a better sunday: the weather was perfect, I got all my homework done, and I got to see some friends I haven't seen in a while.
      Yesterday was pretty superb too. I woke up really early and went to the SINPA 5K Race For The Rescues. Cody loved all the dogs and made a friend too:)

His best friend is a huge mastiff named Titus. This dog would have made Titus look like a lap dog. HE WAS HUGE!

      And then I went to dinner with my boyfriend's grandparents and I must say they are uber funny. I really enjoyed hanging out with them and they taught me how to play poker which I beat them all at!(beginners luck) I hope everyone had a weekend as great as mine, and if you didn't your doing weekends wrong:) Good luck on Monday and God Bless.

* uber: German for "above" or "overly"

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