Friday, May 29, 2015

English Project. What can you get done in one night?

My English 4 teacher is a genius man that gets on my nerves. The first day of school he would ask a question, listen to a students answer and always follow it with "Why?". We all became frustrated with him, the same way you become frustrated with three year olds in the Why Stage. Turns out asking why is really helpful in understanding literature and discovering an authors purpose. My teacher also loves art and interpreting art. If you were to run into someone at the Louvre he would be the man you would want to meet, the quiet genius of a man that would have intellectual conversations on the deeper meaning of existence and the purpose of man conveyed through the art work.

Our final project for his class was a video. It was supposed to be super artistic and avant garde and the only words we were allowed to use were ten quotes from a book we were supposed to read. My partner and I were supposed to read  Catch-22. I wanted to share our video because it took a super long time. We did it in one night, in a total of twelve hours, I got three hours off sleep and now I am in some kind of hallucinogenic state. Everything is funnier at 2 in the morning. I think it is pretty great. I hope y'all appreciate it.

Share with your friends, leave comments, be the internet and criticize the hell out of this video.

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