Thursday, May 28, 2015

I've found my way back to you

I've been gone for awhile and I apologize to any one that was actually reading this. I'm gonna try and do this again. So a few updates (and excuses) for why I have been gone:

1. I am about to graduate from high school. Whoop whoop! My graduation ceremony is on June 11 and it will be THREE HOURS because there are 737 students in my class. Proudly #63.
2. I'm going to attend Texas Tech in the fall and study Mechanical Engineering. I guesses working on the mustang with my father had a greater impact than I expected.
3. I have completed my Independent Study of Mechanical Engineering. It was the most stressful class I have ever taken, my hair literally started thinning! I gave a 45 min presentation to my family, my mentor, and school admin on the research I had done all year and the product I had developed. This class is why I had no social life
4. I have a new beau. I don't remember if I told you about the last one but that relationship sputtered out in my mind and not in his, one of those awkward situations. My current boyfriend is a much better fit for me, my friends love him, and my family thinks his is as awesome as I think he is.

I think this blog is going to be more of a diary for me now, if I can keep up with it. Don't expect a post every day but I will try to keep you updated and share the wonderful and wacky parts of my life and some of the insight I gain along the way.

feel free to comment and like and share and all that good stuff. It makes me feel special:p

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